What is vaccine hesitancy? 

Vaccine hesitancy is a delay in the acceptance or refusal of vaccines despite the availability of vaccine services. This topic is complex and context-specific varying across time, place, and vaccines. It is influenced by factors such as complacency, convenience, and confidence. 

Source: WHO

Vaccine Hesitancy by County

Click on the county where your Health Center is located on the map above. The above map shows an estimate of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy rates using data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey (HPS).

For more information, visit the CDC website.

Hesitancy Resources

Misinformation and Combating Misinformation

According to the CDC, misinformation is false information spread by people who do not intend t mislead others. Disinformation is false information intentionally created and spread with harmful intent. Both have been affecting vaccine confidence and vaccination rates as the misinformation and disinformation circulating focused on vaccine development, safety, effectiveness, and COVID-19 denialism. Misinformation is created and circulates when there are information gaps or uncertain science because it is human nature to seek answers in order to better understand and fill in gaps. 

Source: CDC

Myths and Facts Resources 

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